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Installing Strada in Your Application

Strada can either be referenced in compiled form via the Strada distributable script directly in the <head> of your application, or through npm via a bundler like esbuild.

Prerequisite: Install Stimulus

Strada leverages Stimulus and the core BridgeComponent class is an extension of a Stimulus Controller. You must have Stimulus installed in your web app before installing Strada. See the Stimulus installation instructions.

In Compiled Form

If you’re using importmap-rails you just need to pin Stimulus and Strada in your config/importmap.rb file:

./bin/importmap pin @hotwired/stimulus @hotwired/strada

Alternatively, you can manually define importmap entries for both Strada and Stimulus, pointing to the latest versions of each:

<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@hotwired/stimulus": "",
"@hotwired/strada": ""

Then you can import Strada anywhere in your application code:

    import { BridgeComponent } from "@hotwired/strada"

class BridgeTest extends BridgeComponent {
// ...

As An npm Package

You can install Strada from npm via the npm or yarn packaging tools and use a JavaScript bundler, like webpack or esbuild, to import it in your application.

import "@hotwired/strada"

Installing Strada in Your Native Apps

Dedicated installation instructions are provided for the iOS and Android libraries in their GitHub repos.